ムラウチドットコム エンジニアブログ

日本最大級ブログランキング「にほんブログ村」、シンプルなブログサービス「muragon」を運営するムラウチドットコム メディアグループのエンジニアブログです。

異常な速さと話題のdev.to この素晴らしい体験はどうやって実装されたのか

最近話題になったプログラマのコミュニティサイト dev.to



dev.to の管理者のBen Halpernさんが、記事を書いてくれていますのでこちらを読み解いてみます。面白いタイトルですね。



dev.to の速度は努力の賜物?


From the beginning, the idea was that if we could make everything insanely fast, every other UX consideration was going to be a lot easier going forward. Performance of a webpage is the most important UX consideration for me. Nobody wants to spend their time staring at a blank screen.

But speed is not free. In order to ensure performance, a project must have a set of reasonable constraints. Focusing on performance early helped map out the site's architecture to fit within the constraints that ensure great time-to-render speeds. Future decisions are less likely to have to weigh performance, because the performance consideration is center to the whole structure of the website.

I believe a big part of this project's success has been because I had a pretty good grasp of the top-to-bottom problem and how to implement it.

  1. 表示速度は何よりも重要なUX(User Experience: ユーザー体験)
  2.  パフォーマンスを中心に設計
  3.  それにより今後の変更による影響が少なくなった
  4.  問題点と対応方法を十分に把握できていた



For dev.to, I took to thinking that this is a very read-heavy application, and there was a great opportunity to perform a lot of caching. It was an opportunity to be fairly minimalist in features and min-max the hell out of what's important: Content consumption.

Fundamentally, maximizing web performance is about caching and latency mitigation. This application is a series of blog posts. There is a lot of dynamic read-write action any time a post is updated or a comment is made, etc. But most of the behavior is that of a user coming to the site, reading, or glancing over the content, and leaving. In order to best service this behavior, we make good use of edge caching.

We use Fastly for our CDN edge-caching needs. We really like their service. Full disclosure, Fastly is now a sponsor of ours, but we made that happen because we love them, not the other way around.

  1. アプリケーションについての理解を深める
  2. dev.toは読み込みの重いアプリケーションなので、キャッシュを有効活用する
  3. 基本的にWebアプリケーションの最適化は、キャッシングとレイテンシの低減
  4. 記事作成や更新の操作もあるが、殆どはユーザの読み込みがメイン
  5. CDNサービスのFastlyを利用し、キャッシュを返すようにした




A typical request first returns a fully-cached, pre-gzipped HTML page served from the closest Fastly node if one is available. Additional "dynamic" info, such as which comments you've liked, etc. go through a second, lightweight, request that hits the application database and returns the relevant information.

  1. ページ要求に対して、近くのfastlyノードからgzipされたHTMLページを返す
  2. コメント等の動的な情報は、軽量なリクエストを送る





Once a page is delivered the next important detail is rendering it as quickly as possible. This, in my opinion, is where a lot of sites, even ones serving totally static content from the edge via a CDN, often fall short. The key to improving render times is to eliminate all render-blocking latency. That means no external CSS requests, no custom fonts, and no synchronous Javascript.

Yes, all the CSS relevant for the initial render come over the wire in a

